Meander….Dilly Dally - Drift. Bored Stiff.
The magic lies in the spaces and in the gaps and in the in-between. I will continue to produce art slow and I’m okay with that.
Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.
The artwork Big Rhizome Lover, like the rhizome stem system, the paint reflects the figures moving organically in a nomadic, non-linear fashion across the page, where eventually the two figures connect unexpectedly, by chance.
Swipe Right For Modern Love.
A quick Sunday sketch reflecting on the transient nature of romantic relationships in 2022. Bonjour. Bye Bye. Beijos. Beijos.
Illuminated Glass Worshipper
Hello There! - Welcome to my page, thank you so much for stopping by, here you will find a series of super-quick drawings, visual commentaries on modern life, a digital sketchbook filled with my thoughts, feelings, stories, and ideas exploring the ordinary and everyday, through the lens of my own 3-D glasses.