Maevi in Giant’s Causeway.
Creative ideation for an imagined children's book. - "Maevi in Giant's Causeway. Coordinates - 55 ° 14 ’27 “ N 6 30’ 42 ‘ W.
Maevi grew up in County Antrim on the coast of Northern Ireland on ancient ground somewhere between 56 - 66 million years ago, Antrim was subject to an intense ancient volcanic fissure eruption, after the hot lava flowed hexagon rocks formed along the coastline, the area was marked with large stone columns.”
Chanterelle from Planet Portobello & the Peony Palace.
Creative ideation for an imagined children's book. - "Chanterelle who resided in a small village on Planet Portobello, light years away from Earth was often told by her superiors that her head was permanently in iridescent clouds but Chanterelle was distracted and could sense that there was something terribly wrong and her planet was in danger. Mars was squaring Chiron in a few days and there was trouble in the skies.
Lola - Behind the Graphite Pencil.
This art piece focuses in on Singla’s soulful eyes and flamenco hands with deep ancestral lines that tell stories of her lineage and life experiences. Hands once held by her mother’s hands who lead her to the tavern where she learned how to dance, moving audiences across Spain.
Frieda Velvet at Le Poisson Aquarium - A New Album, A Floating Recording Studio & Coral Reef Conservation.
Velvet built a floating house & recording studio 'Le Poisson Aquarium' currently anchored in the middle of the Indian ocean. Along with a purpose built underwater Scuba Submarine Sound Studio Sanctuary made with reused materials where she is recording soundscapes of underwater sea life for the album. Frieda is working with a small team of marine biologists and scientists who are doing research on regrowing coral reefs, using the floating house as a base.
Meander….Dilly Dally - Drift. Bored Stiff.
The magic lies in the spaces and in the gaps and in the in-between. I will continue to produce art slow and I’m okay with that.
Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.
The artwork Big Rhizome Lover, like the rhizome stem system, the paint reflects the figures moving organically in a nomadic, non-linear fashion across the page, where eventually the two figures connect unexpectedly, by chance.
Swipe Right For Modern Love.
A quick Sunday sketch reflecting on the transient nature of romantic relationships in 2022. Bonjour. Bye Bye. Beijos. Beijos.
Illuminated Glass Worshipper
Hello There! - Welcome to my page, thank you so much for stopping by, here you will find a series of super-quick drawings, visual commentaries on modern life, a digital sketchbook filled with my thoughts, feelings, stories, and ideas exploring the ordinary and everyday, through the lens of my own 3-D glasses.