“There was this extraordinary heat that summer turning the grassy meadow yellow and the posh ponds green.” Anne Rothenstein.
Painter: Anne Rothenstein.
Red Figure and Reflection , Oil on wood panel, 122 x 91.5 cm’s, 2017 - 2018
Commissioned Animation sequence for Fine Artist Anne Rothenstein, 2019
The animated gif is a moving version of the oil on wood panel works by painter Anne Rotheinstein entitled Red Figure and Reflection, created as an e-vite for an exhibition at Beaux Arts Gallery in 2019. Anne spent a rare summer in London where she walked daily through Hyde Park. “There was this extraordinary heat that summer turning the grassy meadows yellow and the posh ponds green, the painting gradually appeared.”
The animation aims to capture the essence of the painting comprising of a series of handmade images pieced together to maintain the organic, natural feel of the piece. The pace of the animation is slow mimicking an afternoon stroll through Hyde park under the hot crimson sun. The figure in the painting pauses at the pond to contemplate life a rippling, sparkling image reflected back at them.
The Smoking Bride 2.
Oil on wood panel, 122 x 122 cm’s, 2021 - 2020 by painter Anne Rothenstein.
Commissioned Animation Sequence for Fine Artist Anne Rothenstein, 2021
The animated gif is a moving image of the painting The Smoking Bride 2 by fine artist Anne Rothenstein for an exhibition at Beaux Arts Gallery, London between March 3rd - April 10th 2021.
A figure sits smoking a cigarette after the traditional ceremony. A billow of smoke from the bride's cigarette moves across the animated painting in a seductive, elegant style, clouding the bride’s vision and moving across the pure white laced veil.