Lola - Behind the Graphite Pencil.
Corinne Delaney Corinne Delaney

Lola - Behind the Graphite Pencil.

This art piece focuses in on Singla’s soulful eyes and flamenco hands with deep ancestral lines that tell stories of her lineage and life experiences. Hands once held by her mother’s hands who lead her to the tavern where she learned how to dance, moving audiences across Spain.

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Frieda Velvet at Le Poisson Aquarium - A New Album, A Floating Recording Studio & Coral Reef Conservation.
Corinne Delaney Corinne Delaney

Frieda Velvet at Le Poisson Aquarium - A New Album, A Floating Recording Studio & Coral Reef Conservation.

Velvet built a floating house & recording studio 'Le Poisson Aquarium' currently anchored in the middle of the Indian ocean. Along with a purpose built underwater Scuba Submarine Sound Studio Sanctuary made with reused materials where she is recording soundscapes of underwater sea life for the album. Frieda is working with a small team of marine biologists and scientists who are doing research on regrowing coral reefs, using the floating house as a base.

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Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.
Corinne Delaney Corinne Delaney

Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.

The artwork Big Rhizome Lover, like the rhizome stem system, the paint reflects the figures moving organically in a nomadic, non-linear fashion across the page, where eventually the two figures connect unexpectedly, by chance.

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