Frieda Velvet at Le Poisson Aquarium - A New Album, A Floating Recording Studio & Coral Reef Conservation.
Corinne Delaney Corinne Delaney

Frieda Velvet at Le Poisson Aquarium - A New Album, A Floating Recording Studio & Coral Reef Conservation.

Velvet built a floating house & recording studio 'Le Poisson Aquarium' currently anchored in the middle of the Indian ocean. Along with a purpose built underwater Scuba Submarine Sound Studio Sanctuary made with reused materials where she is recording soundscapes of underwater sea life for the album. Frieda is working with a small team of marine biologists and scientists who are doing research on regrowing coral reefs, using the floating house as a base.

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Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.
Corinne Delaney Corinne Delaney

Big Rhizome Lover - Behind The Artwork.

The artwork Big Rhizome Lover, like the rhizome stem system, the paint reflects the figures moving organically in a nomadic, non-linear fashion across the page, where eventually the two figures connect unexpectedly, by chance.

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